The crisis at our southern border is a huge national security problem.

Since January of this year, there have been nearly 2 million encounters with migrants at the southern border, not to mention hundreds of thousands of “gotaways.”  On top of that, tens of thousands of pounds of fentanyl are pouring into our border every year.

During a hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee today, a Democrat colleague actually made the point that President Trump’s work on the border wall was a “failure” because he had “only” built hundreds of miles of wall in order to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

I thought it was a rare moment of truth where we would finally have a Democrat admit the common sense fact that there should be a physical barrier on our southern border.  However, when I pressured him, he cowered back to the Left’s talking points and said it’s “not practical,” and that it “wouldn’t work.”

This is the reality here in Washington, where common sense goes to die.  While President Trump was in office, Democrats in the swamp threw block after block to keep him from constructing a single foot of border wall.  But now they think the American people are dumb enough to believe the hundreds of miles of 30-foot-tall border wall President Trump built - no thanks to them - is “an abject failure.”

There is no doubt: walls work.  As your Representative, I will continue to push Congress to finish the work President Trump started to keep Americans safe.