Dec 13 2022

A Huge Win for Water

I’ve got great news!  The House of Representatives passed the Water Resources Development Act last week, and with it, several major provisions that I authored.

That includes the Northern Estuaries Restoration Plan, or NERP.  NERP will require the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to finally develop a plan to eliminate ALL toxic discharges from Lake Okeechobee into the estuaries.

WRDA also included $100 million for local infrastructure projects aimed at improving water quality in places like the St. Lucie River, Indian River Lagoon and Lake Worth Lagoon.  Additionally, WRDA will also mandate that military personnel working in hazardous conditions around Lake Okeechobee will now have a note placed in their file documenting their exposure.

Now, WRDA is just one step away from becoming law.  This is the most important piece of legislation for our waterways that Congress has considered in years, and it is a HUGE win for Florida.