Last week, before Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, I promised you that I would continue to hold the Biden Administration accountable for lying to the American people.  That’s why I invited Steve Nikoui as my guest to the speech to remind President Biden of the damage he has done to national security and American families through his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Steve is the father of Marine Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, who is one of the 13 U.S. servicemembers killed in the terrorist attack at Abbey Gate on August 26, 2021.  Steve lost his son due to Joe Biden’s incompetence, and he lost another son to suicide from grief over his brother’s death.  This man and his family have given America more than I could personally bear.

During the State of the Union address, after seeing Joe Biden constantly try to turn the page on the bloody chapter of Afghanistan and cover up his catastrophic withdrawal, Steve had had enough.  He decided to step up and call on the President to not forget his son during the speech.

For that, Steve was arrested on a BS charge of “demonstrating.”  He is yet another victim of Joe Biden’s constant attempt to crack down on patriots for speaking out against his disastrous withdrawal.  In fact, more people have been arrested for speaking out than the number of people who have been fired for the disastrous withdrawal that cost lives (spoiler alert: still 0).

As the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Accountability and Oversight, I will make sure the Biden Administration is held accountable once and for all.