On July 30, under the dark of night, without alerting any of our allies, President Joe Biden pulled all of our troops out of Bagram Air Base.  This not only weakened our strategic position in Afghanistan, it left a prison that held over 3,000 hardened jihadist fighters unguarded. 

These prisoners believe that God has freed them to give them a second chance and seek revenge against the United States of America. 

It took less than one month for them to succeed in their mission.  Reports broke today that the ISIS-K suicide bomber responsible for the deaths of 13 servicemembers and hundreds of Afghan civilians had been freed from the prison.  

Had President Biden maintained control of the air base, 13 families would not be mourning their sons and daughters.  Every decision he made throughout the withdrawal took the situation from bad to worse, but this is the worst.  President Biden is complicit in their murders, and he must be held accountable.