This week is National Invest in Veterans Week.  Serving our nation is an investment that men and women in uniform make not only for their own future but for the well-being of our country as well.  They willingly leave behind their loved ones and livelihoods to fight and protect our nation on the battlefield.  Just as these veterans invest in us and our safety, we must likewise invest in the veterans who have sacrificed so much for the greater good.

Unfortunately, many of these courageous individuals return home from war with new physical challenges.  That’s why I’m thrilled that the Service-Disabled Veteran Opportunities in Small Business Act recently passed the House of Representatives by a unanimous vote.

This significant legislation mandates that the federal government issue guidance aimed at helping service-disabled veteran owned small businesses.  By doing so, this bill will help create opportunities for veterans to establish and grow new businesses – once again giving back to their communities and our country.

Moving forward, I will keep working to contribute to the success of America’s veterans by supporting initiatives like the Service-Disabled Veteran Opportunities in Small Business Act.