I enlisted in the United States Army—and nearly gave my life for our country—because I believe deeply in the values on which the United States was founded. Following my service, I chose to volunteer alongside the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) because our countries share these common ideals of freedom, democracy and mutual respect for all people.

So, it’s personal to me when I see the radical terrorist organization Hamas attacking Israel and still getting defended in the United States by Democrats in the House of Representatives!  Israel has the right to defend herself, and Hamas has absolutely no right to inflict terror upon other countries.  Despite assertions that have been made by some on the political left this week, there is absolutely no comparison between the two. 

That’s why I’ve been fighting to get House leadership to expedite consideration of a bill I introduced that would sanction financial backers of Hamas.  My bill passed unanimously last Congress, and this Congress should move quickly to pass it again. We must stand with our ally Israel! 

To hear more about how I am working to aide our ally Israel, watch this week’s Week in Review video.