Veterans Deserve The Highest Care Possible
Whether you fought in Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, the Global War on Terror, or any other battlefield – the United States owes you a massive debt of gratitude. Unfortunately, our government often doesn’t even come close to delivering the care that our veterans earned and deserve.
The Defense Health Agency is a prime example. Ill, wounded, or injured members of our armed services have to go through the DHA to determine their fitness for duty and disability benefits. Unfortunately, this agency is run by unelected bureaucrats who have far too often refused to look out for the best interests of our nation’s brave warriors.
We made some progress on this front today when the House voted to include my bipartisan Wounded Warrior Bill of Rights within the National Defense Authorization Act.
Our bill would allow commanders - those who are closest to the wounded warrior - to initiate investigations or pause the process if an appeal is underway. It would also give servicemembers a clear path to follow if they decide to appeal a DHA decision or need help understanding the benefits that will impact them for the rest of their lives.
I’m glad to see the House include it within the NDAA.