Oct 21 2021
Interested in Attending a Service Academy?
The deadline to seek a nomination in order to attend one of the military service academies (the Military Academy at West Point, the Naval Academy in Annapolis, the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs or the Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point) is fast approaching.
All materials must be submitted to our Port St. Lucie office by Monday, November 1st at 5PM. A completed application includes:
- A passport photo,
- An academic recommendation form,
- Your official high school transcript,
- Your official SAT or ACT scores,
- 3 sealed letters of recommendation,
- Your resume,
- An accident waiver and Release of Liability form.
Attending a service academy is a great way to get an outstanding education and serve your country at the same time. Nominating bright young students is one of the highest honors I have as a Member of Congress, and I look forward to reviewing this year’s applications.