This week had a rocky start - my father passed away on Monday forcing me to miss a few votes in Congress. Nevertheless, I was able to fly into Washington in between making the funeral arrangements.

While in Washington, we voted on the SAVE ACT, which mandates individuals furnish proof of citizenship before being able to register to vote in federal elections. While it’s already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections, liberal states like Vermont, Maryland, and California allow illegal immigrants to register and vote in local elections.

These states don’t have voter ID laws either! If you’re not required to show an ID to vote in either federal or local elections, what’s to stop illegal aliens from voting in federal elections?

It’s governors like Gavin Newsom, who embrace open borders and say Trump is an existential threat to democracy. Yet, we’re supposed to trust that they will keep illegal aliens from voting in federal elections?

The House Foreign Affairs Committee also passed my bill requiring the State Department to do everything it can to claw back the millions it sent to UNRWA before October 7th.

Even though UNRWA’s crimes are obvious, the Hamas-tied agency has allies in the halls of Congress to defend their interests. One member even went as far as to say that UNRWA is doing “God’s work….”

To learn more about what happened this week, as well as an important vote I had to miss, check out the latest #WeekInReview video.