Five years ago, President Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal that only hurt our ally, Israel and helped our adversary, Iran.  And ever since, Iran has proved him right.  Iran has continued to show brutality at its core and blatant hatred of the United States - from the killing of its own citizens for protesting the state’s cruelty or the burning of American flags and chanting “death to America.”

Even then, President Biden has repeatedly signaled his intention to return to the negotiating table with the Islamic Republic of Iran.  Just today, a source revealed that a Biden’s adviser discussed possible outreach to Iran on the nuclear program with Oman.  Our Commander-in-Chief should stand for the American people and our allies, instead of extending a hand to an adversary.

We should not give Iran a pass.  That is why I co-sponsored a bill that would impose sanctions on any individual or entity that would help Iran obtain missiles.  The Fight CRIME Act is a bipartisan message to Iran: its aggression towards the U.S. and our allies will not be tolerated.  I’ll continue to fight for policies that make our nation safer and stronger on the global stage.