It was a busy week here in Washington. First, the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability – which I chair – held a hearing exposing how the State Department is misusing YOUR tax dollars.

What we found out was troubling. They either don’t know it’s happening, know about it but don’t care, or know it's happening and are willfully turning a blind eye because they support the outcome. No matter which way you go this is unacceptable.

This week, we also learned that Iran hacked President Trump’s campaign. Our enemies have made it clear they are boosting Kamala Harris because they are afraid of what America would look like if we had a backbone and led our nation with strength instead of appeasement.

As a veteran, I was also dismayed to hear Vice President Kamala Harris - who is heartbeat away from the post of commander-in-chief - lie and say that, “there is not one member of the United States military who is on active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world.”

This is a slap in the face to thousands of American men and women in uniform deployed in dangerous posts overseas. It is yet another unfortunate reminder that the American leaders don’t care about you. That is why this week I sent a letter to the White House demanding an explanation.

To learn more about what happened this week, watch the latest #WeekInReview video.