Reminder: Public Comment Period is Open
As many of you are aware, Brightline began its passenger service on Friday. As a result, dozens of high-speed trains are now running through our community every day.
For more than a year now, we’ve been fighting to keep Brightline’s expansion from destroying the Treasure Coast way of life, and that means ensuring that the St. Lucie River railroad bridge isn’t closed off to boaters in order to accommodate the trains. We’ve pushed to make sure that boaters have access to the waterway for at least 50 percent of the time, with additional time on weekends and holidays.
With passenger service underway, this is the first real test for that access. That’s why I also want to remind you that the U.S. Coast Guard’s public comment period is open until October 15. This is our community’s opportunity to weigh in and make our voices heard, and encourage folks to take advantage of it.
As always, I’ll keep you updated every step of the way.