October 7th Can Never Be Repeated
Today, the House voted to stand with Israel and send a clear message: #NeverAgain.
The worst crimes against humanity were unleashed upon Israel on the morning of October 7th. From throwing grenades into bomb shelters where Israelis were hiding to decapitating a Thai worker with a garden hoe, Hamas opened the gates of hell on the lives of innocent people as they woke up on a Jewish holiday.
On October 7th, terrorists rolled over the border fences and committed the deadliest attack on Jewish people since the Holocaust.
And here’s the reality: that disgusting attack cost money. Hamas was not able to pull it off on their own. Any person, group, or government that enabled it must be punished. That’s why the House passed my bipartisan bill, the Hamas International Financing Prevention Act, which would impose sanctions on any entity that offers financial or material support to Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, or its affiliates.
It is easy to say #NeverAgain and move on, but without any commitment to break the cycle of violence and make sure these groups aren’t able to conduct their terrorist operations, tragedy will repeat. Today was an important step, but I’ll continue fighting alongside our ally, Israel, to make sure our words aren’t just a slogan.