May 16 2024

Back The Blue

Day or night, police officers answer the call to protect our communities. Yet, despite their tremendous sacrifice, it’s harder than ever to be a law enforcement officer.

Far-left activists take to the streets to demean and protest the very police officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect them. These radicals scream “Defund the Police,” while the politicians they elect to office coddle criminals with soft on crime policies. Instead of handcuffing violent criminals, these politicians want to tie the hands of police officers.

As a result, our communities are less safe and our brave men and women in blue are increasingly under attack. According to the Fraternal Order of Police, 136 officers have been shot in the line of duty so far this year. This is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.

That’s why this week, House Republicans voted on several pieces of legislation to support law enforcement and make it easier — NOT HARDER —for them to do their jobs. We passed legislation to:

  • Mandate the Department of Homeland Security to take into custody any illegal alien who assaults a police officer.
  • Expand federal grants to help police departments hire more officers.
  • Require the Attorney General to keep track of the frequency of assaults on police officers.

While these bills are an important step, we CAN and MUST do more. I’ll continue fighting in Congress to make sure our police officers have the support and they need to keep us safe.

Every week should be National Police Week.