It was a busy week here in D.C.. I was honored to attend President Trump’s Joint Address to Congress where he talked about renewing the American dream and getting our country back on the right track. In case you missed it, check out some of the news hits from this week where I discuss everything from President Trump’s agenda, to our standing on the global stage, and the clear division and chaos Democrats are committed to causing.

CHAIRMAN MAST JOINS JAKE TAPPER: “The plan is simple as it relates to inflation and prices, the government spends less money, your prices go down.”
CHAIRMAN MAST JOINS FOX AND FRIENDS: “The President is delivering on the American dream. Making America more secure which he talked about in the first term…He’s delivering jobs to the American people. A Honda Civic plant in Indiana, Taiwan Semiconductor in Arizona, he’s bringing jobs to the United States of America. He’s getting the government out of the way and he’s making, for the first time in our lifetime, the government spend less. That’s the American dream.”
CHAIRMAN MAST JOINS NEWSNATION: “What President Trump is really doing is making a funeral for the Democratic party because he’s demonstrating how terrible their policies were for the last four years and he’s showing what change looks like.”
CHAIRMAN MAST JOINS WPEC CBS12: “The whole of Europe need the pressure…you have Europe that’s still giving more money to Russia in terms of buying oil and gas than what they’re evening putting in to defending Ukraine while at the exact same moment they’re begging American to be our security guarantee even though we’re funding the people we are fighting against.”
“President Trump’s tone has to be reflecting the way every single American is feeling …wait, you’re rolling your eyes at this young cancer survivor, you can’t behind the fact that we brought an American home from Russia who was going to die in a Russian prison, you can’t get behind someone who lost their loved one at Abbey Gate, you can’t get behind saving the money in my pocket when I get up and go into work at 5 in the morning…what do you mean? And I think he felt that. He reflects the anger of Americans, the frustration of Americans”
“The message has been made very clear, Europe has to be a partner that doesn’t lean on America like a crutch but a partner that makes this a true alliance where we’re stronger than ever because you’re just as strong as us.”