Earlier this year, the Treasure Coast lost a hero when Florida Highway Patrolman Zachary Fink was killed in the line of duty while pursuing a fleeing felon. A son of St. Lucie County, Trooper Fink had a desire from an early age to help people.

This desire led him to the Florida Highway Patrol Academy and a career in law enforcement. I didn’t know Trooper Fink well, but I recognize that he was willing to lay his life on the line to protect me and every other member of our community.

You can’t say that about anyone other than a member of law enforcement. We all have people in our lives we would sacrifice anything to protect. We would die for our siblings, children, and spouses. Very few of us, however, would lay down our lives for those we barely know. But law enforcement officers, like Trooper Fink, are willing to do that every day.

That’s why today — on Peace Officer Memorial Day — I’m introducing legislation today to name the U.S. Post Office building at 290 NW Peacock Boulevard in Port St. Lucie after Trooper Zachary Fink. This is the least we could do for someone who gave his life to keep us safe.

It’s also important to honor heroes like Trooper Fink because it’s harder than ever to be a law enforcement officer. Far-left activists look for any reason to attack and demean our brave men and women in blue.

These anti-police radicals ignore the one simple truth underscoring why law enforcement officers are so important to our communities. Law enforcement officers are the only ones willing to stand on the line between good and evil and safeguard our families from harm.

This was the role that Trooper Fink chose. He could have done anything else, but he chose to be a law enforcement officer because he loved his community and wanted to keep it safe. His sacrifice CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be forgotten.

In honor of Trooper Fink’s sacrifice, take a moment this week to thank a law enforcement officer for their service.