America is the best, and we became the best by focusing on what matters: freedom and democracy, not the latest “woke” trend.  But the Biden Administration clearly hasn’t learned this.  As Commander-in-Chief, President Biden has forced the military to focus on critical race theory and “white rage,” and it’s no surprise that every branch’s recruitment numbers have missed the mark two years in a row.

Republicans in the House of Representatives made a commitment to America: to fight for a nation that’s strong.  That means pushing back on the White House’s policies that weaken our military.

Last week, House Republicans passed a plan to fund the Department of Veterans Affairs and military construction that supports our national security and cuts unnecessary spending on things like diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives on military bases.  It prohibits taxpayer funds from being used for abortions or gender transition surgeries.  It makes it clear that not a single dollar will be used for critical race theory and ensures the only flag flying over VA facilities is the 50 stars and 13 red and white stripes and those that honor our brothers and sisters who are prisoners of war or missing in action.

Not a single Democrat joined us in voting for the bill.  But House Republicans will continue to focus on the issues that matter: countering China and Russia.  We’ll make sure that our military is prepared to win actual battles, not culture wars.