If there was an election in Gaza right now, Hamas would win.  There is no disputing this: experts from both parties have come before the House Foreign Affairs Committee and said the same thing.

Many people ask how that could be possible, but the reality is that generations of Palestinian children have literally been indoctrinated to hate our ally, Israel.  In many cases, they are literally being taught to hate at the same time that they are being taught reading, writing, and arithmetic.  Under no circumstances should the United States be funding these extremist Palestinian textbooks that groom the next generation of Hamas sympathizers.

During a meeting of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, we debated a bill to ensure U.S. tax dollars aren’t being used to fund these anti-Israel textbooks in Palestinian-controlled areas, and I made the point that many Palestinians are, at the very least, sympathetic to the values and goals of Hamas.  How could they not be?  It’s being taught in their classrooms from a young age.

But the Democrats on the Committee were outraged by my comment, and actually questioned whether I was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

To address the obvious: no, I am not a member of the Ku Klux Klan.  This is a ridiculous attack and attempt to twist my words.  It also makes it clear that they don’t understand the root of the problem: Palestinians are taught to hate.

The United States must do everything we can to address the root causes of this problem and break the cycle of hatred.  Democrats want to avoid reality and hide behind accusations of racism, but one thing’s for sure, I’m not going to be intimidated by their “cancel culture,” and I’ll keep speaking the truth at every opportunity.