I made a promise on the Floor of the United States House of Representatives shortly after I was sworn into Congress that fixing our water quality would be my top priority, and passing legislation to authorize the EAA reservoir was a critical step toward doing that.  

This week Governor Ron DeSantis signed the project’s “partnership agreement.” This important agreement between the State of Florida and the federal government is the last major hurdle that needed to be overcome so that the Army Corps could begin construction on their portion of the project.  This is big progress toward sending more water south and stopping toxic discharges! 

I also helped to introduce two pieces of legislation that will help protect our access to clean and safe water: 

  • The bipartisan Blue Carbon For Our Planet Act is designed to capture the power of our ocean and estuaries to protect coastal blue carbon ecosystems like the St. Lucie Estuary, Indian River Lagoon and Lake Worth Lagoon.

  • The Comprehensive National Mercury Monitoring Act would establish a national monitoring program to track and combat mercury poisoning in the United States, which is a major problem in the Everglades and poses substantial health risks to people in Florida. 

But, unfortunately, it wasn’t all good news this week.  To hear more about the partisan nonsense we’re fighting back against in DC, watch this week’s Week in Review video: