Week in Review: June 10 - 16 | I'm Just A Bill
We all know the School House Rock classic, “I’m Just A Bill.” This week in Congress, two bills got their start on Capitol Hill.
First, I introduced the Wounded Warrior Bill of Rights Act. This piece of legislation would defend due process rights for wounded veterans. Specifically, the bill would provide much-needed clarity to the appeals process for injured servicemembers so that they can secure all of the disability benefits they are entitled to.
The second bill is the China Social Media Reciprocity Act. It’s a simple bill that says as long as American officials are blocked from Chinese social media sites, Chinese officials will be blocked from American social media sites. There’s no reason that Chinese Communist Party officials are allowed to use platforms like Facebook and Twitter to spew their propaganda while actively prohibiting the free flow of ideas in their own backyard.
Watch the latest Week in Review to learn more about these bills.