There is a crisis at our southern border.

In fact, in the past two years, border patrol officers have encountered and stopped over 300 individuals on the FBI terrorist watch list and seized thousands of pounds of fentanyl.

Additionally, we have seen millions of “gotaway” migrants who crossed the border illegally and were not apprehended.  These migrants come into our nation because they think they have an open invitation from President Biden, at the expense of working Americans.

It is clear: The Biden Administration’s open border policy is not working, and it’s jeopardizing our national security.

That is why the House passed the resolution last week to condemn the Biden Administration’s open border policies and disregard for national security and public safety along our southern border.  The resolution, supported by all House Republicans and a dozen House Democrats, urged President Biden to reverse course.

A house without a wall cannot stand.  Likewise, a nation without a secure border cannot stand.  I will continue to call out the disastrous border policy of the Biden Administration so that we can keep our communities safe.