Growing up, I always heard stories from my dad and his brothers - my uncles - about their time in the military. Those stories are part of what inspired me to enlist in the U.S. Army when I graduated from high school. Just like them, I knew that this is the greatest nation on the planet, and I wanted to do my part to keep it that way.

Our nation has a proud tradition of military service, and that tradition lives on in the stories and reflections of our veterans. That’s why I’m excited to announce a new opportunity for veterans in our community to share their story with the nation: Operation Sacred Legacy.

For over two decades now, the Library of Congress has been collecting video interviews from veterans across the country, from every branch of the military, and from every conflict era. The goal of Operation Sacred Legacy is to make sure as many local veterans as possible are able to be a part of the Veterans’ History Project.

Indian River State College is dedicating space within its Pruitt Campus Veterans Center of Excellence in Port St. Lucie to train volunteer interviewers and record video histories. IRSC will also provide opportunities to record at the Chastain Campus in Stuart. I’m grateful to have IRSC as a partner in this mission.

Participating in the Veterans’ History Project is an excellent way to make sure your story can inspire those who follow in your footsteps and choose to serve, just like I was inspired by my dad and my uncles. I hope that every veteran in our community will take advantage of this opportunity.

If you, or someone you know, is a veteran interested in adding your story to the Veterans History Project, click here to schedule a time for an interview.