Feb 02 2022

Pain at the Pump

Floridians got a shock over the weekend.  Gas prices skyrocketed across the state.  Unfortunately, similar scenes played out across the country.  Gas is, on average, 39 percent more expensive than it was this time last year.  We haven’t seen prices like this since the last time Joe Biden was in the White House, then as Vice President. Now, experts are predicting gas prices are likely to reach $5 per gallon this year.

The President’s energy crisis is impacting everyone.  Yet, instead of taking steps to lower the cost by making it easier for American companies to increase production and hire more workers, he’s proposing new taxes that will only increase prices more.  

Under President Trump, families weren’t forced to choose between gas in their car and food on their table.  But rather than admit that his predecessor had it right and increase domestic production, President Biden is begging OPEC and Russia to increase global output.  Once again, it’s America Last under the Biden Administration. 

I’ll continue to fight these disastrous policies in Congress and work to lower prices so that Florida families can afford the things they need.