Floridians know better than most that natural disasters can happen to anyone anywhere, often with little to no warning.  No matter how we plan out our day, week, month or year, these disasters can take place and that’s why we prepare for them - so that it doesn’t catch us off-guard and leave us unable to respond.

In Florida, we have to worry about hurricanes, but families in every state know the importance of setting money aside in case of an emergency, whether it’s a natural disaster, or something like a health scare or car trouble.  Creating a rainy day fund keeps families from having to go into debt when things don’t go according to plan; it’s a fiscally responsible thing to do.

That’s the lesson Congress needs to learn.  On average, Congress spends an extra $105 BILLION every year in order to respond to emergencies.  Sometimes it’s a natural disaster, like the wildfires in Maui, or sometimes it’s a global event that the U.S needs to respond to, like Hamas’ attack on Israel.  But no matter the situation, every penny is borrowed - in other words, increasing our national debt.  With the national debt nearing $34 trillion, Washington needs to get proactive and set aside money for the unplanned, but inevitable, emergencies.

That’s why I spoke before the House Budget Committee today.  I believe it’s important that Congress takes steps to prepare for emergencies so that we aren’t forced to whip out the national credit card because we got caught flat-footed.

We need to make sure that We the People’s money is spent in a fiscally responsible manner, and that includes planning for the unexpected.  If families at kitchen tables in Florida’s 21st District have to do it, so should Congress.