This week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed my bill to rename the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center after Thomas H. Corey.

Thomas Corey was a U.S. Army veteran and a life-long advocate for his fellow veterans. He exemplified the greatest kind of sacrifice: fighting for others.

Deployed to Vietnam during the Tet Offensive, he was shot in the neck and permanently paralyzed. This injury was life-changing, but not life-defining. Instead, he dedicated his life to advocating for veterans at local, regional, and national levels.

Thomas Corey founded the Palm Beach County chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America. He ultimately rose to national president of the organization, showing that no injury could eclipse his mission to serve others.

Despite his permanent injuries, he continued to advocate for veterans, particularly those suffering from illnesses attributed to Agent Orange exposure.

Corey worked for 15 years at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center ensuring veterans received high-quality care. He also led delegations to Vietnam 16 times, meeting with officials to locate and repatriate the remains of missing veterans.

Naming the West Palm Beach VA in his honor is the least we can do to recognize his unwavering commitment and passionate advocacy for veterans. His legacy will continue to inspire us all.