WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Congressman Brian Mast (FL-18) called on the Biden Administration to guarantee that Honor Flights are able to bring the nation’s veterans from across the country to see their monuments in Washington, D.C.  

The Department of the Interior has failed to authorize the U.S. Park Police to provide escort services for Honor Flight Hubs.  In a letter co-signed by fifteen Members of the House of Representatives, Rep. Mast called on Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland to reverse this egregious failure and ensure that Honor Flights aren’t stuck in red tape.  

“These monuments belong to those who served.  Either the Biden Administration has forgotten about these men and women, or they are actively keeping them at arm’s length.  Neither is acceptable,” said Rep. Mast. “Secretary Haaland must immediately authorize the Park Police to provide these escorts to make sure our veterans get to see their monuments.” 

Honor Flight organizations across the country, including those in Florida, contract with and pay the Park Police for escorts during their trips.  This ensures that veterans, particularly the elderly and disabled, are able to easily able to visit the war memorials and monuments and their transportation is able to navigate throughout Washington, D.C.

While the mandates instituted because of the COVID-19 pandemic hindered the operations of many Honor Flight organizations over the past two years, flights are scheduled to resume this spring, meaning this issue must be resolved as soon as possible.  

The full text of the letter can be found here
