Bill Passed: Protecting Veterans Benefits
Those who suffer life-changing injuries on the battlefield face unique challenges each and every day. That’s why the House recently passed the Honoring American Veterans in Extreme Need (HAVEN) Act.
This bipartisan bill will go a long way toward protecting the disability benefits that our veterans and their families depend on when they fall on hard times. Specifically, the bill will exclude pensions, annuities and other payments for injuries or death related to military service from the calculation of income for bankruptcy purposes.
While this may seem like a small step, I believe it could make a big difference for families that are going through a difficult period in their lives. And I know as well as anyone that when we confront these challenges head on, we can come out on the other side even stronger.
The bottom line is this: disabled veterans earned their benefits, and our country should support them when they are going through a difficult period.