This past Friday, the world paused for International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  It’s a recognition of the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, an event that brought an end to the unprecedented and horrifying persecution of Jewish people that shocks the world to this day.  International Holocaust Remembrance Day is a vow to remember and ensure that it never happens again.

And yet, as we reflected on one of the darkest times in human history, a gunman opened fire on a synagogue, killing at least seven Israelis and injuring three.  Just two days later, a man launched a molotov cocktail at a synagogue in New Jersey in a disgusting display of anti-Semitism.  On a day when we remember the loss of innocent lives, these anti-Semitic terrorists were determined to take more innocent lives.  This is unjustifiable.

As your Representative, I will fight to make sure Congress stands firm against hate and stands with our ally, Israel.  That is why, earlier this month, I introduced the Hamas International Financing Prevention Act, which would impose sanctions on anyone that assists terrorists like Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and their affiliates.  I’ve also supported legislation to provide synagogues with additional funding for security, and resolutions condemning anti-Semitism in all forms.

As the greatest force for human dignity in the world, the United States has a responsibility to make it clear that this type of hate and violence will not be tolerated.