Jul 30 2024

Terrorist Sleigh Ride

Three Palestinian terrorists were caught trying to cross our Southern Border. This is on top of the over half dozen that were caught just a few weeks ago.

Chinese communists, Islamic terrorists, drug traffickers, human traffickers, criminals, and lunatics are pouring into America every day because of the bringer crisis. They are undermining it at every level. 

And Joe Biden’s Border CZAR— Kamala Harris — is the architect of this crisis. Last week, six House Democrats admitted as much on the record when they voted to condemn her handling of the border. 

The media and Biden’s flunkies are trying to gaslight YOU into ignoring this reality, but it couldn’t be more clear. 

Kamala is the BORDER CZAR. Kamala is responsible for this atrocity.

What’s even worse is she wants illegal ALIENS pouring into our country to get citizenship as soon as possible. 

This is not how the system should work. Break the law and get rewarded? That’s the Biden-Harris agenda. 

Import the votes since they can’t get them any other way! 

I’ll keep fighting to secure our border.