Sponsored Legislation From The 117th Congress
Signed Into Law
South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act
The South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act will amend existing federal law aimed at combatting harmful algal blooms to require the first-ever specific federal assessment and action plan to reduce harmful algal blooms in the Greater Everglades region. Read more about the South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act. |
Wounded Warrior Bill of Rights
There are too many wounded warriors not only fighting for their health, they’re stuck fighting the bureaucracy at the VA. The Wounded Warrior Bill of Rights would help wounded warriors going through the Integrated Disability Evaluation System, also known as IDES by giving their commanders oversight, and the servicemembers a clear path to follow. Read the Wounded Warrior Bill of Rights here. |
Northern Estuaries Restoration Plan (NERP)
While the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) projects are critically important, they will stop only about two-thirds of discharges to the St. Lucie Estuary. That’s why I introduced the Northern Estuaries Restoration Plan (NERP) to force the Army Corps of Engineers to develop additional infrastructure to stop the remaining discharges that CERP won’t. Read more about the Northern Estuaries Restoration Plan (NERP). |
Passed House of Representatives
Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act
The bipartisan Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act imposes sanctions on foreign persons, agencies and governments that assist Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad or their affiliates. Read more about the Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act. |
China Social Media Reciprocity Act
Imagine a basketball game where there’s a hoop on one end of the court and another hoop located on the ceiling. Chinese officials spew their propaganda on American social media to influence the public opinion, but they shut down any dissent in their own backyard. I introduced the China Social Media Reciprocity Act to block Chinese government and Chinese Communist Party from U.S. social media platforms as long as they continue to censor Americans in China. Read the China Social Media Reciprocity Act here. |
Resolution Holding China Accountable for Coronavirus
China’s total lack of transparency and mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak has cost tens of thousands of lives. Congress must hold China accountable for their cover-up and force them to pay back the taxpayer dollars that have been spent as a result. Read more about the legislation to hold China accountable for its coronavirus deception. |
Toxic Health Threat Warning Act
Our goal is no discharges, period. But right now, the Army Corps won’t even acknowledge the health risks created by their discharges. The bottom line is this: if someone’s health is at risk, then they need to be notified. The Toxic Health Threat Warning Act will require the Army Corps to take accountability for their life-threatening actions and ensure that people know the dangers of coming into contact with toxic water. Read more about the Toxic Health Threat Warning Act. |
Stop Poisoning Florida Act
The Army Corps of Engineers has proven that, if left to their own devices, they will continue to poison our communities, and as a result, we have been treated as Florida’s septic tank for far too long. That’s why I introduced the Stop Poisoning Florida Act, which would prohibit discharges from Lake O when the water exceeds the toxicity level that the EPA has determined is too toxic for human contact. Read more about the Stop Poisoning Florida Act. |
PROTECT Florida Act
Currently, the Army Corps of Engineers’ operational priorities do not consider impacts to public health. In fact, for years, their outdated priorities have resulted in communities throughout Florida being exposed to dangerously high levels of toxins when the Army Corps discharges water from Lake Okeechobee. The PROTECT Florida Act will amend the Army Corps’ operational priorities to prioritize public health and protect Florida’s citizens from this serious health threat. Read more about the PROTECT Florida Act. |
Improving Veterans Access to Congressional Services Act
Opening the first-ever Congressional office inside a VA hospital has allowed us to help veterans on the spot: when and where they’re having an issue. That's why I introduced The Improving Veterans Access to Congressional Services Act to pave the way to make that high level of service a reality for our veterans all across the country. Read more about the Improving Veterans Access to Congressional Services Act. |
The Department of Veterans Affairs has been plagued by crisis over the years, and veterans across our country have suffered because of it. Our country needs to take a hard look at the way VA medical centers are being run at the highest level and work together to find new ways to improve them. Read more about the Lead VA Act. |
Oath of Exit Act
Throughout our lives, the most important commitments we make are spoken — whether its an oath upon joining the military, vows at a wedding or saying the pledge of allegiance. Integrity is more than just a word to service members, so I know if we say we’ll look out for each other and ourselves, we’ll do it. Read more about the Oath of Exit Act. |
Banana Stand Money Act
As the saying goes, there’s always money in the banana stand. There are plenty of opportunities for savings within the bloated budget of the federal government, but the House Democrats keeps raising the debt limits - this time, by $480 billion. Read more about the Banana Stand Money Act. |
Mandating Responsibility Act
If a federal agency or a business is determined to impose a vaccine mandate on its employees with no regard for the science, it needs to take full responsibility for any and all impacts. Read more about the Mandating Responsibility Act. |
Ceasing Age-Based (CAB) Trucking Restrictions Act
An unnecessary government red tape prevents 18 to 20-year-olds from transporting cargo coming off of ships at overloaded ports, even if they have a commercial driver’s license and drive semi-trucks elsewhere within their state. Read more about the Ceasing Age-Based (CAB) Trucking Restrictions Act. |
Medical Freedom in the Military Act
A person’s COVID-19 vaccination status should not be a condition of service. Forcing service members to be vaccinated undermines the rights of individuals to make their own decisions about what goes into their bodies. Read more about the Medical Freedom in the Military Act. |
Employee Privacy Act
No one should ever face discrimination or retaliation in the workplace, especially for a personal medical decision that they have made. Unfortunately, in recent months, many employees have seen their jobs threatened based on their COVID-19 vaccination status. Read more about the Employee Privacy Act. |
Land and Water Conservation Fund Amendment Act
For our community, there are few issues more pressing than the lack of clean, safe water, which has implications for everything from marine life to our economy. We need to use every tool at our disposal to stop the destruction of our waterways. Read more about the Land and Water Conservation Fund Amendment Act. |
Vaccine Mandate Reenlistment Act
Vaccine mandates have been used by the Biden Administration to wipe critical thinkers and conservative perspectives out of our military, and America is less safe as a result. This bill will strengthen military readiness, as well as get these young men and women back doing what they love: serving our nation. Read more about the Vaccine Mandate Reenlistment Act. |
Extending Notification Deadline (END) Act
If you need emergency care, the last thing you’re thinking about is letting the VA know. The END Act would change the requirement to notify the VA of emergency treatment provided by a community care partner – or health care facility outside of the VA - from 72 hours after admittance to 72 hours after discharge. Read more about the Extending Notification Deadline (END) Act. |
No Tax Breaks for Radical Corporate Activism Act
Some woke corporations are considering using your tax dollars to fund their employees’ travel costs to have abortions or even so-called “gender affirming care” for the children of their employees. That is why I introduced a bill to make sure that these corporations are not allowed to use taxpayer funds to support dangerous procedures that harm our kids and kill innocent babies. Read the No Tax Breaks for Radical Corporate Activism Act here. |
Veterans Homecare Choice Act
The bipartisan Veterans Homecare Choice Act is a simple bill that will ensure bureaucratic red tape does not deprive veterans from the ability to live independently in their own homes as they age. Read the Veterans Homecare Choice Act here. |