Jul 14 2017
Week In Review: July 7 - 14 | Securing Our National Defense -1
Congress's most important constitutional duty is to provide for the common defense. This week we passed the National Defense Authorization Act to reform, repair and rebuild our military. The bill also included two provision that I wrote and sponsored.
Jun 30 2017
Week In Review: June 23 - 29 | Community Safety -1
Sanctuary cities are a violation of the rule of law. This week I helped pass two bills - the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act and Kate's Law - to crack down on dangerous sanctuary policies that needlessly put innocent lives at risk.
Jun 23 2017
Week In Review: June 16 - 22 | Jobs & Infrastructure -1
Watch this week's Week In Review video to hear more about my exchange with All Aboard Florida head executive Mike Reininger, bills we passed to help create jobs and the young men and women from our community who received the Congressional Awards Gold Medal.
Jun 17 2017
Week In Review: June 9 - 15 | Uniting For Veterans -1
Many veterans have had similar experiences and have shared healthcare challenges as a result. That’s why it’s so critical for the VA to establish and maintain expertise in providing our unique healthcare needs. Read about some real action we took to help veterans this week.
Jun 09 2017
Week In Review: June 2 - 8 | Safe, Healthy & Strong -1
My goal as your representative in Congress is to help our community stay safe, ensure our families can stay healthy and strengthen our economy. One of the major bills we passed this week is called the Financial CHOICE Act, which will help our community banks give local businesses the resources they need to succeed.
May 26 2017
Week In Review: May 19 - 25 | Supporting Our Veterans-1
This week, Congress passed 7 bills to improve care for our veterans. Watch this week's Week In Review video to hear about each of those bills and how they would help those veterans who did make it home.
Apr 28 2017
Week In Review: April 21 - 27 | Working For You-1
To learn about my work this week (including efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, keep the government open, lower taxes and improve our healthcare system), watch this week's Week In Review video.
Apr 15 2017
Week In Review: April 7 - 13 | Federal Do No Harm Act-1
This week I announced legislation to declare a federal emergency when the U.S. Army Corps causes damaging harmful algal blooms. Our bill, the Federal Do No Harm Act, provides federal assistance for disaster cleanup, including the removal of toxic algal biomass and muck from affected waterways.

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