The CubeSat Launch Initiative is a competition that encourages educational institutions and non-profits to develop low-cost nanosatellites, that advance NASA strategic goals and objectives, selected as auxiliary payloads on scheduled launches that have available space.

Most CubeSats are built by universities, but occasionally a primary or secondary school nanosatellite is selected. This resolution recognizes the Weiss School, a prekindergarten through 8th grade school in Palm Beach Gardens. The students at the Weiss School designed the “WeissSat-1” that was selected by NASA in 2017 to be launched as an auxiliary payload in 2018. The team was again selected by NASA in 2018 for their “CapSat-1” mission.

The Weiss School debate team worked with NASA to identify that awareness of the CubeSat Launch Initiative is the major limiting factor of the program. Weiss School helped to write this resolution and asked that Congress support their effort to raise awareness and prioritize continuation of the CubeSat Launch Initiative. I was proud to introduce the resolution on their behalf in recognition of their accomplishments.

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