Florida’s environment is a non-negotiable priority - central to our economy, quality of life, and most importantly, the health of every family. The well-being of the Everglades, our beaches, our waterways and other ecosystems impact everybody that lives in Florida.
I'm excited to share with you two bills that we've passed to make progress on environmental issues facing our community – the Strengthening Coastal Communities Act and the Jupiter Island Land Transfer Act. Watch to learn more.
This was a truly amazing veterans day, and following veterans day, this week I helped introduce a bipartisan bill to recognize the service of the over 2 million female veterans in our country.
There is a massive human and environmental toll from the discharges to the Treasure Coast. And it's turning the Treasure Coast into the Tortured Coast. The Tortured Coast documentary series highlights the people and places being destroyed.
There is a massive human and environmental toll from the discharges to the Treasure Coast. And it's turning the Treasure Coast into the Tortured Coast. The Tortured Coast documentary series highlights the people and places being destroyed.
The tax cuts that we passed last year have empowered people to keep more of the money they earn and have put our economy on an upwards trajectory. So, this week we passed three bills to lock in these tax cuts and make them permanent for individuals and families.
During my short time in Congress, I’ve strongly support efforts to reduce the cost of prescription drugs and increase transparency in pharmaceutical costs. This week, we made some critical progress on that front by passing bills to prohibit insurers and pharmacy benefit managers from using the “pharmacy gag clause”—an outrageous practice that forbids pharmacists from telling patients whether their prescription drugs would cost more out of pocket or through their insurance plan.
Our team will be holding satellite office hours in various locations around the community so that we can assist you with Medicare, Social Security,the VA and other federal agencies, even if you can’t make it to one of our permanent office locations. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help!
When the federal government created Medicare, it made a commitment to America’s seniors, and it’s a commitment we must uphold. This week we passed 4 bills to improve care for seniors.
This was a big week for our community and the headliner is that the House of Representatives passed a bill to authorize the EAA Southern Storage Reservoir. Together, we can get this reservoir across the finish line!