This morning, our community honored Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Joseph Bullock at the Port Salerno Office Renaming Dedication, to remember who he was.
The situation is too dire for hollow words. Inflation is running rampant, families are trying to keep their kids safe in the face of a crime crisis and Ukrainians are facing annihilation.
If the EAA Reservoir has been described as “the heart of the Everglades”, why are so many people trying to keep it from being funded?
The world watched in horror when Kabul fell to the hands of terrorists just six months ago. Together with our allies, we need to act now and prevent another Kabul.
The idea is simple: ??if California Governor Gavin Newsom can go maskless at the Super Bowl, you can go maskless on your morning commute.
The situation in Ukraine didn’t occur in a vacuum, it’s the result of President Biden’s energy and foreign policy decisions. Dominoes are falling, and we may not be able to re-stack them.
Whether it’s Canada or the U.S., the Freedom Convoy is an important lesson for us: freedom should not be taken for granted.
Tomorrow, the Florida Senate will vote on SB 2508, which is legislation that would keep water levels in Lake Okeechobee higher, resulting in more discharges to the east and west coasts of Florida.
It’s clear that the Biden Administration lied to the world, claiming that they had “prepared for every possible contingency,” and that they would stay until every American was out.