While we’ve made significant progress in preventing another lost summer, we still have a long way to go.
My biggest responsibility as YOUR representative to Congress is to be a watchdog for how our government spends YOUR tax dollars.
As the House considers the Israel funding package, I make my commitment to you: I will fight against any attempt to send YOUR tax money to Hamas.
Here is a lesson for the Biden Administration: A dollar spent without a strategic objective is a dollar wasted.
Let’s make that CRYSTAL CLEAR: your government DOES NOT have the constitutional power to spy on you — especially if they don’t have a warrant!
This is a direct consequence of Joe Biden and his congressional cronies spending hundreds of billions of your tax dollars. Simply put, #Bidenomics does NOT work.
Let me be clear: It is unfair to ask the hundreds of millions of Americans who chose not to attend college to foot the bill for those who did.
So, while we’ve won a battle with this announcement, the war for clean water continues. I will continue to fight with every ounce of energy so that we do not have another lost summer.