Good news! Yesterday, a federal judge in Florida, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, struck down the mask mandates on planes.
I hope that you’re able to spend today enjoying Easter traditions with your loved ones, and that today brings you the peace and joy of Jesus Christ.
It’s past time that the Biden Administration honors that promise and quits fighting with one hand tied behind its back.
Power-hungry bureaucrats want to control your lives by continuing unconstitutional and unscientific big government edicts.
Our community is not the sewer system of Florida, and I will continue to fight to keep our waterways clean!
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Americans know that’s true - it’s time for the Biden Administration to admit it also.
Not only is the mandate threatening the future of our military and our preparedness, but it’s also threatening the financial futures of young people who just want to serve their country.
President Biden is practically begging dictators for oil, and now, he’s even considering letting terrorists off the hook.
When I lost my friend, Mark Cunningham, to an aggressive, deadly brain tumor known as glioblastoma, there was nothing I or his family could do to reverse the impact of the deadly disease.