Sep 25 2023
Reminder: Public Comment Period is Open-1
For more than a year now, we’ve been fighting to keep Brightline’s expansion from destroying the Treasure Coast way of life. This is our community’s opportunity to weigh in and make our voices heard, and encourage folks to take advantage of it.
Sep 22 2023
Recognizing National Estuaries Week-1
Florida is truly blessed with one of the most unique ecosystems in the entire world. The Everglades and the coastal estuaries provide Florida with both environmental and economic benefits.
Sep 20 2023
Let's Get More Truckers on the Road-1
Fixing the supply chain needs to be a top priority for Secretary Buttigieg and the Biden Administration, and reducing regulations that keep truckers parked is an important step.
Sep 19 2023
My Alive Day-1
I believe that if you spend your life serving something bigger than yourself, you’ll leave this world with no regret. Now, as your Representative, I have a new mission - to serve our community and our country in the halls of Congress.
Sep 18 2023
This Saturday: Service Academy Summit-1
Do you, or a student you know, want to get a top-notch education for free while serving our nation? Consider applying to one of our nation’s service academies!
Sep 15 2023
Today is National POW/MIA Recognition Day-1
Our men and women in uniform embody courage. But some of those courageous men and women return in flag-draped caskets, and some do not make it back at all. Today is the day that we remember them: the prisoners of war and those who are missing in action.
Sep 14 2023
Tapping the Brake on Reckless Policies-1
It’s tough to worry about emissions if you can’t afford to drive to work, and it’s tough to push for America to be electrified in a way that our electric grid could support. That is why the House Republicans passed the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act.
Sep 12 2023
Shall Not Be Infringed-1
The Constitution is clear: the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. I believe that every letter of the Constitution must be upheld, including the Second Amendment.
Sep 11 2023
Never Forget-1
The attack on September 11th changed America - and the world - forever. We will never forget.