It’s a day we remember the nearly 2 million Americans who fought from the coastline of Normandy to the mountains of Hindu Kush and earned the Purple Heart.
The State Department needs to answer basic questions about this grant and how it can possibly justify it as a good use of taxpayer dollars.
Allegedly, it’s to allow for a study on the impact of fertilizer run-off on blue-green algae, but the side effects could be worse than the cure.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has sent our tax dollars abroad to fund inhumane animal labs with inferior criteria and little regard for the animals.
These men and women have put their lives on the line for our nation, and it is our responsibility to make sure no veteran feels like their sacrifices were in vain.
They want to impose their woke ideology and critical race theory in a deliberate effort to focus on what divides us, rather than what unites us.
As a veteran who served in Afghanistan myself, I take this personally. I will continue to push the Biden Administration for answers and accountability.
Today, I offered a bipartisan amendment to allow VA physicians to discuss cannabis as a treatment option in states where it is legal.