Hurricane season is just getting started, and Florida sees more hurricanes than any other state in the United States. It’s never too early to make sure you are prepared.
When the lake is kept at a high level, it means more discharges to the St. Lucie Estuaries, and more toxic sludge in our communities.
While Speaker McCarthy tapped brakes on this out-of-control spending, it was not enough to stop Biden from speeding down the highway.
This bipartisan, common-sense change will protect wounded servicemembers and ensure that they aren’t screwed over by nameless, faceless bureaucrats.
Americans have had enough with the Biden Administration’s spending problem, and Republicans should not encourage his habit for the next two years.
Our Commander-in-Chief should stand for the American people and our allies, instead of extending a hand to an adversary.
Our government exists of, by, and for the people. Unfortunately, that fact is all too often forgotten, overlooked, or just outright ignored by bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.
President Biden is throwing tantrums - this time because the House Republicans won’t cave to his radical agenda that has driven government spending through the roof in the last two years.
From cutting needless red tape for young truck drivers to cracking down on anti-competitive practices in maritime exchanges, we made a lot of progress in strengthening our supply chain and making sure shelves are stocked.
Moving forward, my goal is to make sure that their decision does not undo all of the work of the last four years and that LOSOM is implemented as soon as possible.