Actions speak louder than words, and this White House needs to take clear steps to enact the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act and ensure that the United States stands up for human rights.
Scientific advances have made it possible for us to conduct testing without beagles, and I will continue to fight to make sure our taxpayer money is not used to torture our four-legged friends.
Due to Joe Biden’s utter failure to draw any red lines for the Taliban, our standing on the global stage is in question.
While families pinch pennies to afford a trip to the grocery store, they now have to foot the bill for millionaires’ children to go to Ivy League colleges.
These thirteen servicemembers - most of them in their early twenties - were there to protect thousands of Americans and our allies trying to flee the Taliban.
As a veteran who served in Afghanistan, this is very personal to me, so I will continue to fight the arrogance coming from the Biden Administration and hold them accountable.
Brain Chemistry Labs recently released a study that linked airborne toxins around Lake Okeechobee to a host of medical conditions, including ALS.
What happened in the few months following Biden’s inauguration can be described as catastrophic, deadly and avoidable.