Mar 12 2018
Shining A Light On Brightline's Deceptive Business Practices-1
Taxpayers deserve the truth about who is paying for Brightline, and our community deserves answers about why they are refusing to address critical safety and economic concerns. That's why I've requested a Congressional hearing to examine this abusive waste and fraud.
Mar 09 2018
 Week In Review: March 2 - 8 | Safe and Strong Communities-1
One of my top goals in Congress is to make our community safe, healthy and strong. As a member of the Foreign Affairs committee, I'm working for strong national security, and right here in the 18th District, we're hard at work to protect our schools, combat the opioid epidemic and more.
Feb 27 2018
We Must Unite To Save Lives-1
As Members of Congress, we weren’t sent to Washington to do what’s easy — we were sent here to take action, even when the conversation is difficult and the odds look long. We must unite to prevent this from happening ever again. We must unite to save lives.
Jan 23 2018
Time Sensitive: Study On Trains Disrupting Our Waterways-1
All Aboard Florida is proposing to expand use of the railroad bridges over the St. Lucie and Loxahatchee Rivers. At my request, the U.S. Coast Guard is completing a study into the use of waterways near these bridges, and they're asking for YOUR input.
Dec 14 2017
Week In Review: December 8 - 14 | Safe and Strong Communities-1
This week we moved one step closer to historic tax cuts for middle class families and made new strides toward a safer and stronger 18th District. Watch this week's video recap to hear more about all of these accomplishments and keep an ear out for major news on tax cuts coming soon!