As your Representative in Congress, my top priority is to make sure we never have another lost summer.
Behind every shocking statistic is a heartbreaking story. No one should be forced to live in fear or be subject to physical, emotional or financial abuse.
As a Member of the Bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease, I will continue to push for policy that will move us closer to a cure.
This isn’t the result of a major geopolitical emergency, it’s the result of President Biden’s war on domestic energy.
Instead of using resources to enforce federal cannabis laws on Tribal land, it should be focused on partnering with Tribes to address the major public safety problems.
As we recognize National Women’s Small Business Month, thank you to the entrepreneurs who continue to make our communities and our economy stronger.
We’re on the right track, and that’s why it’s so important that we continue to prioritize increased storage and better operations.