Jul 05 2018
Tortured Coast ScreenRead More
There is a massive human and environmental toll from the discharges to the Treasure Coast. And it's turning the Treasure Coast into the Tortured Coast. The Tortured Coast documentary series highlights the people and places being destroyed.
Jul 02 2018
Tortured Coast ScreenRead More
There is a massive human and environmental toll from the discharges to the Treasure Coast, and it's turning the Treasure Coast into the Tortured Coast. The Tortured Coast documentary series highlights the people and places being destroyed.
Jun 14 2018
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Our veterans have fought hard to protect our nation, and we should fight just as hard for them when they get home. However, far too often, veterans aren’t provided the support they need to successfully transition back into the civilian workforce, and many are left behind as they struggle with obstacles like post-traumatic stress. That’s why, this week, we passed two bills to increase VA staff for programs that support returning veterans: