Dec 29 2020
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Congress recently took action to protect our children from online predators by increasing the sentence for cyberstalking to more than 10 years. You can learn more about this increased deterrent here:
Dec 27 2020
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The fishing industry is one of the lifebloods of our coastal economy. That’s why I helped pass a new bill called the Young Fisherman’s Development Act to help the next generation take the reins. Check out this blog to learn more:
Dec 22 2020
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China’s total lack of transparency and mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and left untold economic destruction. Together, we must ensure that nothing like this ever happens again!
Dec 18 2020
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Those who put on the uniform to defend our nation made the decision to put country before self. We will never be able to repay them for their sacrifice, but this week the House passed a bill to ensure they have access to the benefits they earned.

Dec 14 2020
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In just 7 months, Operation Warp Speed has resulted in the development of two promising vaccines, one of which is already being distributed. Check out this new video on how it happened to learn more about this great American achievement!