May 12 2023
Bringing Fraudsters to Justice-1
This is long overdue - the government owes it to the taxpayers to do everything in its power to recoup these funds.
May 11 2023
Secure Our Border!-1
After minimal support for border patrol and law enforcement, Joe Biden is now taking away one of the most important tools those on the front lines had for dealing with the crisis he created.
May 05 2023
Have You Heard About Voice Of America-1
VOA seems to be more interested in carrying water for the Left than ensuring it’s pushing back against autocracies that hate America.
May 04 2023
America First, Americans First-1
They may claim that these migrants are “Americans,” too, but let’s be clear: if they entered our country illegally, they are not Americans.
May 02 2023
Afghanistan Is Club Med for Terrorists Again-1
During the last two weeks of withdrawal, Joe Biden managed to undo two decades of blood, sweat and tears, and allowed Afghanistan to become Club Med for terrorists.