Leaving the Afghan interpreters behind is a shameful dereliction of duty by the President of the United States. He must be held accountable.
Speaker Pelosi won’t show up for the Americans left behind and she won’t show up to hold the Biden Administration accountable, but rest assured, House Republicans will.
This budget says that the Biden Administration cares about expanding the size of the federal government and infringing on your personal freedoms.
Every decision that President Biden made was the wrong one. He pulled out troops before evacuating civilian personnel.
Everything that President Biden touches falls apart, and the result is new terrorist states cropping up that threaten the safety and security of every single American.
Joe Biden has made a lot of promises that “America was back” on the global stage or that he will “never turn his back” on refugees and immigrants. He broke both of those promises this week.
President Biden has proven that he was completely and embarrassingly unprepared to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan in a way that protects our interests or our allies.
As they have throughout this three-year process, the sugar industry is working incredibly hard to make sure that they benefit above all else, and they’re getting some help from certain politicians.