It’s simple, our government should stand for the most fundamental liberty: life. I will continue to fight for the sanctity of life from the very first heartbeat.
While we have some good news, we still have a long way to go to protect Florida’s waterways and one of the most iconic symbols of our state: the manatees.
Participating in Operation Sacred Legacy is an excellent way to make sure your story can inspire those who follow in your footsteps and choose to serve.
It should be left to each individual to make that decision - not power-hungry bureaucrats who want to control your lives.
I will continue to fight to make sure the new House Republican Majority forces the Biden Administration to finally take action to fix this crisis and keep Americans safe.
Any person, group, or government who supports Hamas is complicit, and the U.S. should not reward them with aid or access to our economy.
Those who support vaccine mandates for the military say that it’s about military readiness, but how can discharging thousands of troops benefit our readiness?
The supply chain is broken, and Americans are paying the price. For years, families have struggled to get even the most basic necessities, like baby formula.