Jun 08 2018
Week In Review: June 1 - June 7 | Fighting For Our Water-1
It is unacceptable that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would discharge massive amounts of water into our community without knowing whether the water was safe. That's why I'm calling on them to immediately cease the discharges until they can prove that the water is safe!
Jun 07 2018
House Passes Placeholder for Southern Storage Reservoir & More!-1
The Army Corps’ discharges from Lake Okeechobee — which started again last week — are unacceptable. Our community cannot afford more devastation. We cannot afford a status quo that prioritizes everyone else’s interests over ours.
May 26 2018
Week In Review: May 19 - 25 | Progress On Water + More-1
This week we were able to make big progress on a number of top priorities, including our water issues, efforts to stop Brightline, help for veterans and national defense. Read about some of what we got done that you might not have heard about on the news.
May 23 2018
Big Wins For Local Water In Infrastructure Bill-1
I have good news: Congress has heard our pleas, and water infrastructure leaders have now committed to authorizing the EAA southern storage reservoir this year once the Army Corps completes their review. We also secured several big wins for our local water in the Water Resources and Development Act.
May 21 2018
New Bills Passed For Veterans-1
This is my first week as a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee. In this new role, I’ll have an even louder voice to advocate for veterans in our community and around the country. Building on our passage of the VA MISSION Act last week, the House just passed more than a dozen bills to continue the momentum toward improving care.
May 18 2018
Honoring Law Enforcement For National Police Week-1
Every day, law enforcement officials across the country put their lives on the line to enforce the rule of law and serve justice around our communities. Last year, 135 police officers lost their lives in the line of duty, including 9 in the state of Florida alone. This National Police Week, we honor those fallen heroes and recognize the service of police officers in our communities. This week we passed a series of bills to support our law enforcement community’s efforts.
May 18 2018
Week In Review: May 11 - 17 | Serving You-1
In addition to the bills we passed to help police, this week was also a big one for our work for veterans. We passed the VA MISSION Act to increase choice and improve care. And, I also had the honor of being named to join the Veterans Affairs Committee.
May 12 2018
Week In Review: May 4 - May 10 | Empowering Local Businesses-1
Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. That’s why it’s critical that we empower aspiring business owners with tools and resources they can use to thrive. This week we passed several bills to do exactly that.
May 10 2018
Bills Passed: Empowering Job Creators-1
In Florida alone, small businesses employ over 3 million people, or nearly half of the private sector workforce. That’s why it’s critical that we empower aspiring business owners with tools and resources they can use to thrive. This week, we passed several bills to do exactly that!
May 03 2018
New Legislation: Caring For Veterans Exposed To Burn Pits-1
When I was serving in Afghanistan, trash and human waste were often burned in open air pits. It’s quickly becoming clear that these burn pits are emerging as the Agent Orange of my generation. That's why this week I joined my fellow veteran Tulsi Gabbard in introducing the Burn Pits Accountability Act.