This is great news for folks who depend on Medicare Advantage and I’ll continue to work to make sure that seniors can get the care that they need in a timely manner.
We need to take steps now to lessen our dependence on China, and shore up our own production and diversify our outsourcing.
For more additional information, you can watch the full video of the hurricane roundtable I hosted to learn more.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), estuaries take up only 13 percent of the land area of the continental United States, but contribute 40 percent of jobs and 50 percent of the nation’s economic output.
I am completely opposed to any efforts to create a gun registry or to track gun owners - and this comes dangerously close.
For the first time since we got rid of the draft in 1973, the military is at risk of missing its recruiting numbers.
The attempt by the Palestinian Authority to brainwash the next generation with hateful and anti-Semetic ideology will only contribute to prolonged conflict in the Middle East.
I was glad to see the House pass the Wounded Warrior Access Act, which would make it easier for veterans by allowing them to access an online portal and receive a PDF copy of their C-files.