I’ve long said that sending money to countries run by people that HATE us is ridiculous and the epitome of putting America Last. Besides, this humanitarian assistance will just get diverted and stolen by terrorists at the first chance.
It is clear: the Biden Administration thinks the American people will just ignore how it spends your tax dollars.
This is a no-brainer, but it will also send a powerful message that election integrity must be paramount.
Remember when Joe Biden announced PROUDLY during this year’s State of the Union Address that America would build a port in Gaza to deliver more humanitarian aid?
This change will allow veterans and their families to focus on their health and recovery, instead of having to worry about bureaucratic red tape.
Every day millions of individuals put their lives on the line for a cause greater than themselves. Yet, our government doesn’t do nearly enough for them.
These soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen, and members of the Space Force represent the very best of America.
Congressional Democrats don’t care about the border, they’re happy to let America be flooded by illegal immigrants.
I’ll continue fighting in Congress to make sure our police officers have the support and they need to keep us safe.